To everyone who received a Christmas Card from me this week, this is my explanation:
I'm hoping maybe it will be LUCKY to send Christmas cards in March!!! Just kidding, the real reason the cards are so delayed is because I'm frugal. I ordered all my cards, but thought we would be moving the end of December, so I held on to them thinking I could send cards and our new address out at the same time. But then we didn't close on our old house until the end of January and didn't close on our new house until the middle of February and then what with unpacking and all... March Christmas Cards!
Some of you may have a bunch of questions right now, so let me see if I can clear some of them up. Last September, quite unexpectedly, David transferred to a new state park, Jordan River OHV Center, three hours away and began working 4 days on, 3 at home. We missed him lots!

Then in November, we sold our home. We moved out right before Christmas and stayed with Dave's dad for a wonderful holiday season. Unfortunately, the loan kept getting stalled and we still hadn't closed after the first of the year, but we decided to move up closer to Dave's work anyway. So, we moved in with my parents in thinking it would be just for a couple of weeks, but it ended up being six. They were great about it, and we enjoyed being with them, but when we finally moved into our new home on February 19th, it felt great!

We miss Monroe a lot, but enjoy the advantages of a city, like having a library full of books and more shopping choices than Wal-Mart. More variety in just about everything, really. And it's a lot of fun to be closer to my family after 18 years.
2008 was an eventful year for us. January

Davy turned 10 and received his Bear award from cub scouts. He is a very physical boy. He loves bikes, motorcycles, sports and building things. He is also very loving and hugs me several times a day. I love it!

Dave took the kids to Arizona to help get his Grandma's house ready to move. She has been living with Dave's mom for some time and they decided to sell her house. David has a lot of memories there as it was just up the road from his childhood home, so it was a bittersweet trip. After a long illness, his dear Grandma passed away last week. We attended the funeral on Saturday and spent some time remembering all our great memories of Grandma. She really was the sweetest lady ever.

March and April were quiet months. David had his birthday. He had fun playing basketball at 5:30am with a group of guys at the church three days a week.

Bekah turned 12 this May and entered the hallowed Young Women shrine. She has continued with the violin and clogging and really loves her friends. She would be with them 24/7 if I would let her. And they love her right back. She has already made a couple of new friends here in our new neighborhood and stays in regular contact with her Monroe friends as well.

is always a big month for us with baseball, youth camps and our family reunion. We bring summer on with a bang. Davy made the all-star team this year and did a great job at 2nd base. Darci turned eight. She is starting to try some new things. She was on a soccer team and joined a singing group. Since our move she has started gymnastics. She keeps us laughing all the time.

Elisabeth turned 6 this year. She is full of life and fun. She loves to collect things in boxes and purses. If I'm ever missing any random thing, it's likely to show up in one of her drawers. She was part of a singing group with the other girls and performed for the big 24th of July celebration in front of a large audience and did really well. We also had a fun trip to Arizona to celebrate Dave's sister's 40th birthday.
August the highlight was Darci's baptism. See post down further on the blog.

My grandma invited us to a special party to celebrate her 86th birthday. She told us all how much she loved us and we had a little talent show for her.
October I had my birthday. This year I was really involved with my kids as usual, but started teaching some classes where we invited other home school families to join us. It was rewarding. I also continued with piano, teaching 10-12 students. I finished up my class work for my masters and just have my thesis left. I'm not sure what I'm going to write about yet, but I find myself thinking about freedom a lot lately. Do you think we, as a people and as individuals, love freedom enough? Since December, I've been in kind of a little bubble just managing through all the transitions, but now I'm excited to get back working on these things that I'm passionate about.

Nicole turned 14. She is still an avid reader and has really excelled with her piano this year. She has fun with her friends and is a great help to me. It's tough to be the 1st child in the family and have so many responsibilities, but she takes it all in stride.
December was different for us this year as it was spent packing, house hunting and living with parents, but as we make this transition we know we are watched over and we are thankful everyday for the tender mercies of the Lord. We hope you find them in your lives as well. I'd love to hear about them. :)

What a lovely year y'all had. I feel like I lived a little of it vicariously.
I'm stealing a couple of these pictures for my blog.
Joy Marie
You are BUSY woman! I'm so HAPPY you're close now! I love it, and you!
Your new home is so beautiful! I love it, love it, I just hate that it isn't by me anymore! I was so disappointed that we couldn't have a real talk this weekend. I am happy things are going well and I am jealous about the bookstore and library right within your reach....Heather
Busy, busy all the time...but that is what keeps life fun!
What a beautiful house. I bet you are loving living so close to family. What a bonus.
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