Sunday, August 24, 2008

First day of School

No backpacks needed! We had a busy, but fun, first week of school. Two days before school, I gave each of the kids an invitation inviting them back to school. They all picked out a favorite outfit and had their hair done and ready to go by 8:00. We read scriptures with dad and then I pulled out a big surprise: a new laptop. Everyone loves having two computers. Then we went over all the new "systems" for the school year. Who practices when, who cleans what and when, who helps with meals which day, that sort of thing. Then we started reading Little Women, A History of Us and The Friend. Last, everyone worked on their own K12 courses. Elisabeth really likes hers, but has a hard time staying focused on what she was going to do next. Darci and Davy really love math, but do well in all their subjects. Bekah is studying a lot this year and has done a good job everyday. Nicole just studies. I hardly see her. We did have a fun week together and even though they wish they saw their friends more, they all like home school for learning. It takes a lot of my time, but there isn't anywhere else more important for me to be!


Sammie said...

What a bunch! Hope school goes great for all of you!

Mary said...

Such a special time of the year. Sounds like your schooling is off to a fabulous start.

The Bach 10 said...

found your blog on the lds interest. WOW we have the same background. I have been trying to take a little time and find other moms that blog are lds. Glad to find you!